request change on script for reporting tasks in Projects

request change on script for reporting tasks in Projects

Folks, Can we have the below updated to show only last comment per task and the date of the task (not the milestone date)?

select md.projectid "Project ID", md.title "Title", longtodate(md.scheduledstarttime) "Reported Date", td.title "Title", sdef.statusname "Status", tdes.description "Description", tc.comment "Comment", au1.first_name "Owner", td.per_of_completion "Completion %" from milestonedetails md
LEFT JOIN tasktoprojects tp ON md.milestoneid=tp.milestoneid
LEFT JOIN taskdetails td ON tp.taskid=td.taskid
LEFT JOIN statusdefinition sdef ON td.statusid=sdef.statusid
LEFT JOIN taskdescription tdes ON td.taskid=tdes.taskid
LEFT JOIN taskcomments tc ON td.taskid=tc.taskid
LEFT JOIN sduser su1 on td.ownerid=su1.userid
LEFT JOIN aaauser au1 ON td.ownerid=au1.user_id where md.projectid='83' order by 1,2


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