Reports - required feature enhancement please!

Reports - required feature enhancement please!

Hi Support,

I have produced a scheduled report from Supportcenter for our Managing Director so he can see the outstanding calls for a particular customer.

The problem is that he needs to see at a glance what the last entry for each of these Requests was on the system as part of the report, so he can see if he needs if an action needs taking from our side or the customers.

This means that it's critical the he see's what the last input on the system was.

If the last entry was a note saying "spoke to the customer on the phone blah blah blah he will get back to us" he would need to see this on the report, likewise if the last entry was an email from the customer asking for us to action something then he would need to see this instead within the report.

It's pretty important for us to be able to produce this as the Managing Director doesn't want to waste his time logging on to SupportCenter, and to be fair I wouldn't expect him too.

If it is possible to cram this one in for the next release, as if you haven't got enough to do!! I would be extremely grateful,

Thanks as always


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