Reporting about Users, Technicians, User Groups, Technician Groups, etc.

Reporting about Users, Technicians, User Groups, Technician Groups, etc.

Hi folks,

I'm looking for detailed reporting around users. I used to do this in SQL queries until the upgrade (when the schema changed). I can ask your great SQL scripting folks to help me update the SQL statements (I should really try to learn SQL myself), but I wanted to ask if data around users, requests, groups, etc. could be made available to customers through the canned reports.

Additionally, since we use Analytics Plus, we'd love to have this data available and sent over to AP.

Here are some use cases, from simple to more complex:
1. Users per site.
2. Technicians per site.
3. Users or Technicians with their corresponding roles.
4. Users and their corresponding user groups.
5. Technicians and their Support Group membership.

6. Number of users per site over time (ex. per month).
7.  Number of technicians per site over time.
8.  User to Technician Ratio across sites.
9.  Utilization ratio (volume):  Number of requests per site / # of users per site across all sites in any given time period (by creation date or completion date, for example.)

As always, thanks for your continued efforts.


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