report for Customer Account - uninstalld and installed programs

report for Customer Account - uninstalld and installed programs

Can you help rewrite this query? 
I would like to select a customer account from the drop down menu Account: 
and for selected   Account  execute the report (for all Client compiuters)
It would be good to see additional column "Last logged in user" 

select si.workstationname 'COMPUTER',swl.softwarename 'PROGRAM',
LONGTODATE(ah.audittime) 'AUDIT',(Case ao.operationstring when 'Delete' then 'UNINSTALLED' when 'Insert' then 'INSTALLED' when 'Update' then 'CHANGE' end) 'ACTION' from audithistory ah left join swaudithistory swah on ah.auditid=swah.auditid left join systeminfo si on ah.workstationid=si.workstationid left join softwarelist swl on swah.softwareid=swl.softwareid left join auditoperation ao on swah.operation=ao.operation where swah.softwareid is not null and (ah.audittime >= <from_today> and ah.audittime <= <to_today>) order by 1

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