

I'm trying to understand the Reportdesign and QueryEditor for the Progress version of MSP.

I've designed a Report that shows all the reported time spent grouped by Technician.

Now I would like to redesign the query so it...
  • Only shows current Technician (whos running the repport) reported time
  • Sorts the output by date descending
  • Only shows the last 7days

So, I tried opening the report in the Query editor.

Directly after opening it it shows the Query that I think the report is based on (as shown below)

But if I try to run it, it just throws exceptions like

" Report design not valid :
     1. Field not found : null
     2. Field not found : null ..."

What am I doing wrong here and does anyone have help for designing the query to accomplish the above needs?

SELECT wo.WORKORDERID "Ärendenr",ad.ORG_NAME "Konto",longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) "Nedlagd tid, starttid",sdo.NAME "Plats",wo.TITLE "Ämne",aau.FIRST_NAME "Beställare",ct.TIMESPENT "Nedlagd tid",rctd.FIRST_NAME "Nedlagd tid, tekniker",ct.DESCRIPTION "Nedlagd tid, beskrivning" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderToCharge wotoc ON wo.WORKORDERID=wotoc.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN ChargesTable ct ON wotoc.CHARGEID=ct.CHARGEID LEFT JOIN SDUser rcti ON ct.TECHNICIANID=rcti.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser rctd ON rcti.USERID=rctd.USER_ID LEFT JOIN SDUser sdu ON wo.REQUESTERID=sdu.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser aau ON sdu.USERID=aau.USER_ID LEFT JOIN SiteDefinition siteDef ON wo.SITEID=siteDef.SITEID LEFT JOIN SDOrganization sdo ON siteDef.SITEID=sdo.ORG_ID INNER JOIN AccountSiteMapping asm ON wo.siteid=asm.siteid INNER JOIN AccountDefinition ad ON asm.accountid=ad.org_id INNER JOIN WorkOrderStates wos ON wo.WORKORDERID=wos.WORKORDERID WHERE  (ct.TIMESPENT > 0)  AND wo.ISPARENT='1'  ORDER BY  ct.CREATEDTIME NULLS FIRST , 3 NULLS FIRST

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