Replacing Group Membership with CSV

Replacing Group Membership with CSV

I'm at a college and we have adopted ADManager Plus to automate provisioning AD accounts, groups etc from our ERP/SIS.

So far things are going well, but I was setting up some group automation today and ran into something that seems will require two scheduled pieces instead of just one.

I want to have a group populated with updated membership from a CSV (just contains the sAMAccountName).  I figured I could use an Automation Policy and add two steps, one to remove all members and a second to add the memberships from the CSV.  I can't figure out how to do the second piece using an Automation Policy.  It's an easy task through normal automation, but I don't see anywhere to specify the CSV for adding members to a group.

Is the only way to do this have two tasks?  One to remove all the users from the group and then standard Automation process to add the users from the CSV?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?