Remote reboot does nothing

Remote reboot does nothing

Just upgraded to 10.1.2220.12 hoping it would solve this;   remote reboot does nothing.   not sure why.   I try to do timer 0, or add a timer... doesn't matter.  there is no prompt on client and nothing happens.   other things seem to be working.       Agent Troubleshooter shows AD connection failure, not sure if that's related, might have been like that for a long time.  
I see in dcmsghandleraccess.log a bunch of REBOOT_NOT_DONE for the last week or so.  (we do a daily reboot in the morning).     where can I get more log info to see what's happening?   I'm trying "Force" reboot.  same result.    
edit; it seems if I wait sometimes they will restart.     
edit; this kind of reminds me of the recent issue with Remote Control, where it randomly worked, but there was an issue preventing from working on every system.    
look forward to hearing from support to try to solve this!

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