Relation Account and Product

Relation Account and Product


i have a question when i try to create new request.

First, i have created Account A, Product PA1, PA2 (for implement account A), PB1, PB2 (for implement another account). 

With Account A i have create sale product PA1 and PA2 (on screen Accounts)
With Account A i have create Contact CA_PA1 belong account A and for support product PA1.

and also create 2 contract Con1_A_PA1 for account A with product PA1 and Con2_A_PA2 for account A with product PA2.

when contact CA_PA1 open new request and when he select product. he will see all product that not belong of Account A (PA1, PA2, PB1, PB2).

My Question is how to setup to contact CA_PA1 can see only product according sold to Account A. (Ex. PA1, PA2)?


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