Register now for Applications Manager's free training series!

Register now for Applications Manager's free training series!

Hello IT folks!

Mark your calendars for Applications Manager's free four-day training program on Jan 24th, Jan 31st, Feb 7th, and Feb 14th, 2018. With our industry experts, let us together help each other understand the nuances of Applications Performance Monitoring with Applications Manager. Distributed across four days, split into agendas covering every critical aspect in complete detail, this training will enrich your IT teams already working with Applications Manager as well as other employees that might soon be working with application monitoring. The four-day training agenda is as follows:


Day 1: January 24th, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Duration: 1 hour
Topic: How IT operations teams can use Applications Manager to discover applications and visualize application dependencies:
Areas covered:
-Application discovery
-Dependency mapping
-Monitor groups
-User management

Day 2: January 31st, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Duration: 1 hour

Topic: Monitor your physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure elements:
Areas covered:
-Performance insights into various application types (app servers, database servers, cloud apps, virtualization servers and more)
-Configuring thresholds
-Configuring corrective actions
-Reports and Dashboards

Day 3: February 7th, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Duration: 1 hour

Topic: Understanding user experience with Real Browser Monitoring
Areas covered:
-Synthetic transaction monitoring
-Analysing user interactions throughout a site
-Monitor across geographical locations
-Ensure optimal web performance

Day 4: February 14th, 2018
Time: 11:30 AM Eastern Time
Duration: 1 hour

Topic: Enabling DevOps to optimize application performance:
Areas covered:
-Deep visibility into code
-Identify code-level issues (CPU spikes, java memory leaks, etc)
-Addressing slow database queries

The training will cover all major aspects crucial to the application performance monitoring sphere and aims enhance the existing knowledge of the participants. We encourage all IT admins to participate and also promote this free training among other employees (developers, QA roles, support etc.) to let everyone make the best out of this free training. 

To Register, click on the top banner or click Applications Manager Free Training.

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