Is it possible to do the following?
- Uninstall software
- Reboot
- Install software
- Reboot
We have a software upgrade happening and the following needs to happen:
1) Uninstall previous version
taskkill 2 processes
msiexec /x - 4 packages
delete 2 reg keys
2) Reboot
3) Install new version
call msiexec /i - 3 packages
4) Reboot
What I have tried:
- Created an install BATCH file
- call msiexec /i "%~dp0package1.msi" /qn
- call msiexec /i "%~dp0package2.msi" /qn
- call msiexec /i "%~dp0package3.msi" /qn
- Placed it in a network share will all the installer files
- Created a new package, set to EXE/APPX/MSIEXEC/MSU
- Installation Command with Switches/Arguments = "\\pathtoshare\install.bat"
- EXE Root Path - \\pathtoshare
- Set a pre-deployment step - custom script - command line: shutdown /r /t 0
- Created an uninstall BATCH file
- taskkill /IM app1.exe /T /F
- taskkill /IM app2.exe /T /F
- call msiexec /x "\\pathtoshare\app1.msi" /passive /norestart
- call msiexec /x "\\pathtoshare\app2.msi" /passive /norestart
- call msiexec /x "\\pathtoshare\app3.msi" /passive /norestart
- call msiexec /x "\\pathtoshare\app4.msi" /passive /norestart
- reg delete HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\app1 /f
- reg delete HKLM\Software\app1 /f
- Created a policy
Deployment Schedule
- Schedule is Regular Split
- Preferred ALL weeks/days
- Window 00:00 to 23:59
- Download patches from server: Any time agent contacts the server
- Initiate Deployment at System Startup
Deployment Schedule
- Custom Script = uninstall BATCH
Pre-deployment user notification
- User Notification - warning about the update and the required reboots
- Timeout = 5 mins
- Show deployment progress is ticked
Post-deployment Activities
- Reboot type - Force
- Reboot immediately after deployment
- Message stating deployment is complete and a reboot is about to happen
- Timeout = 5 mins
- Exclude reboot for servers
- Created a Configuration
- Type - Install
- Package - The install package I created
- Install as System User
- Copy option = None
- Scheduler Settings = NONE selected
- Deployment Policy = The policy I created
- Target = Local Office / My Test Laptop
- Retry this configuration on failed targets = default
The Configuration runs at boot
The warning message comes up
The older version of the software uninstalls and the machine reboots
On logging back in, the machine gets stuck in a boot loop