Reading email aliases from Microsoft Exchange

Reading email aliases from Microsoft Exchange

 We're very close to purchasing the SD+MSP product.

I have a couple of outstanding issues, the most important is this:

We are using an exchange 2007 server for mail.   
I can get SD+MSP fetching mail.  That's not the problem.
I know how to create email aliases in exchange for the account emails.

The problem is that exchange seems to change the "to" field of incoming emails to the main email accounts address.

In other words:

email account =
alias1 =
alias2 =
alias3 =


When a client emails their specific alias (, it comes into the servicedesk account on exchange just fine, but the "to:" field shows and so when SD+MSP fetchs the email, it doesn't know what Account / Site to file the request under.

I've searched for hours for a way to get exchange to show the "original" email alias.  Does anyone know of a way around this?


                New to ADSelfService Plus?