Questions on setting up 1st Change Management process

Questions on setting up 1st Change Management process

Hi we have not yet started to use the Change Management portion of MSP. As a 1st step I am trying to setup our Network Change Control. We are currently using a paper based form and I am trying to replicate the same fields and workflow. I have a few questions below. Sorry but I have not used this module at all yet.

1) How is the CAB used? Is it purely a peer review of the request?
2) Can the CAB step be bypassed?
3) In our current process once the Analysis is completed it goes to approval. Each request needs to approvals. One from our QA team and the other from IT Management. I do not see how to setup multiple approvers.
4) During Implementation we typically gather screen shots and attach to a document as evidence. Is there a way to add an attachment field in the Implementation tab? If not how can I capture this document?
5) Is there a way to add a text field in the Implementation tab or must we use the Worklog and Tasks fields only?
6) Is there a way to change the field names and their order in the Planning tab?


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