Question on Traffic vs. Application tab totals
I have been using your Netflow product for a while to demo it and like it very much. So much in fact that I'm also investigating into your other products that I recently posted about (OpManager and AppManager.)
I have a question on the totals when looking at a device or group. Attached are two screen shots. The first is a screenshot that shows the Traffic Out total of 194.92 MB. If I immediately click on the Applications tab (selecting the Out radio button of course) I see a total of 179.58 MB. Why are these numbers different? I would expect them to be the same?
I'm running your latest version 5.5 software, and I just re-installed from scratch as I was getting the same results before so I thought maybe the DB was corrupt. Is there something I'm doing wrong or not understanding?
New to ADSelfService Plus?