Question on MSP Details E-Mail categorization 8.1

Question on MSP Details E-Mail categorization 8.1

I am new to Managed Service Engine Plus (MSP) and I am currently configuring 8.1.

Can you explain what purpose of the e-mail address is on the MSP Organization Details page under the email categorization section?  My company did configure a previous version (7.6) and we were able to set the e-mail address to the same email address defined on the MSP Details - Mail Server Settings –Incoming page.  For example both were set to


In version 8.1, it states that the address should not be the same one specified in Admin -> Mail Server Settings -> Incoming e-mail address.  Can someone help clarify the difference and help me understand why it shouldn’t be set to the same?  The Help card says the field is used to specify the e-mail address requests are to be sent to.  Do I need to just setup an alias to the one defined on the Mail Server Settings –Incoming page

I appreciate any enlightenment.

Thank you

                New to ADSelfService Plus?