Query Report - Software Not on machine

Query Report - Software Not on machine

Hi there was an older post about running a Query report to identify PCs that didn't have a specific software installed. We would need something that does that AND reports back the Computer and OU Name so we can weed out unassigned machines easier.
At the moment the query below doesnt do that and had model, which we don't need.
Any suggestions on editing to make the script work?

select invcomputer.caption AS "COMPUTER_NAME",resourcemacip.ip_address AS "IP_ADDRESS",invcomputer.model as "MODEL" from invcomputer,ContainerADObjectRel.DN AS "Distingushed Name", inner join resourcemacip on resourcemacip.resource_id=invcomputer.computer_id where invcomputer.computer_id not in (select invcomputer.computer_id  from invcomputer inner join invcomponent on invcomputer.computer_id=invcomponent.computer_id inner join invswinstalled on invswinstalled.component_id=invcomponent.component_id inner join invsw on invsw.software_id=invswinstalled.software_id where invsw.software_name like 'Phish Alert')

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