Query Report on Contract Billing

Query Report on Contract Billing

Good morning,

We are in the live implementation of an Manage Engine Service Desk Plus ITSM solution.
We attempt to purchase 25 agent licenses + the service catalogue module by the end of this month.

A big challenge at the moment, is the fact that the standalone Contracts module, while providing decent reports, if I am creating a request, it will display all the contracts on that particular account on it, when I am reporting. The problem here is that I might have a request for a customer, only on one contract, not on 5.

The solution seems to be the contract billing option , but this has some issues as well.
1- I can't seem to find a way to report on it, even though in all the release articles online, I was able to understand that reporting is possible. This makes me wonder why I am not able to find a simple query which can give me an excel report with all the contracts from contract billing, and their details +  allocated service plan  details. ( I've browsed all the support articles possible ).

This query is basically accessing the Service Plan details :
select ad.org_name "Account",sp.serviceplanname "Service Plan",longtodate(ac.startdate) "Start Date", longtodate(ac.expirydate) "Expiry Date",COUNT(wo.workorderid) "Consumed number of Requests",MAX(sp.fixedmonthlyunits)-MAX(bc.consumedunits) "Requests Remaining" from workorder wo LEFT JOIN workorderstates wos on wo.workorderid = wos.workorderid LEFT JOIN statusdefinition sd on sd.statusid = wos.statusid left join accountsitemapping asm on asm.siteid = wo.siteid inner join accountcontract ac on ac.accountid = asm.accountid left join serviceplan sp ON ac.serviceplanid=sp.serviceplanid left join billcycle bc ON ac.contractid=bc.contractid Left join accountdefinition ad on asm.accountid = ad.org_id where ac.isactivecontract ='true' and sd.internalname= 'Closed' and plantype='Charge Per Incident' group by ad.org_name,ac.startdate,ac.expirydate,sp.serviceplanname

There isn't a similar query which can access the contract billing database and provide me with a basic report? I've tried to raise this on msp-servicedeskplus-support@manageengine.com, but the answer that I received is that it is not possible.

2. Isn't there a way to have multiple service plans under the same contract in the contract billing area , for the same customer? I mean, we have contracts with 3-4 services on them, with 4-5 supported technologies.

Waiting for your kind response, thank you.

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