Good morning,
We are in the live implementation of an Manage Engine Service Desk Plus ITSM solution.
We attempt to purchase 25 agent licenses + the service catalogue module by the end of this month.
A big challenge at the moment, is the fact that the standalone Contracts module, while providing decent reports, if I am creating a request, it will display all the contracts on that particular account on it, when I am reporting. The problem here is that I might have a request for a customer, only on one contract, not on 5.
The solution seems to be the contract billing option , but this has some issues as well.
1- I can't seem to find a way to report on it, even though in all the release articles online, I was able to understand that reporting is possible. This makes me wonder why I am not able to find a simple query which can give me an excel report with all the contracts from contract billing, and their details + allocated service plan details. ( I've browsed all the support articles possible ).
This query is basically accessing the Service Plan details :
select ad.org_name "Account",sp.serviceplanname "Service Plan",longtodate(ac.startdate) "Start Date", longtodate(ac.expirydate) "Expiry Date",COUNT(wo.workorderid) "Consumed number of Requests",MAX(sp.fixedmonthlyunits)-MAX(bc.consumedunits) "Requests Remaining" from workorder wo LEFT JOIN workorderstates wos on wo.workorderid = wos.workorderid LEFT JOIN statusdefinition sd on sd.statusid = wos.statusid left join accountsitemapping asm on asm.siteid = wo.siteid inner join accountcontract ac on ac.accountid = asm.accountid left join serviceplan sp ON ac.serviceplanid=sp.serviceplanid left join billcycle bc ON ac.contractid=bc.contractid Left join accountdefinition ad on asm.accountid = ad.org_id where ac.isactivecontract ='true' and sd.internalname= 'Closed' and plantype='Charge Per Incident' group by ad.org_name,ac.startdate,ac.expirydate,sp.serviceplanname
There isn't a similar query which can access the contract billing database and provide me with a basic report? I've tried to raise this on, but the answer that I received is that it is not possible.
2. Isn't there a way to have multiple service plans under the same contract in the contract billing area , for the same customer? I mean, we have contracts with 3-4 services on them, with 4-5 supported technologies.
Waiting for your kind response, thank you.