Publish a graph on a web page

Publish a graph on a web page

Dear All,

I'm the new to the forum, so firstly hello community!

I am using Netflow Manage Engine v9.7.

I have a nice graph which I'd like other people to see, published on another webpage, without having to use the form/query. It would be the same query each time...

display IP Group X utilisation over 24 hour period.

Is there anyway to do this?

I can see in the source of page it is a static link that changes each time I do a browser refresh. For example:

<img src =" /netflow/servlet/DisplayChart?filename=myChart13977334632494161905820096471147.png " id = graph onMouseOver =" selectID('graph') ">

Is there anyway to point to a graph that is dynamically updated with previous 24-hours from now?

Thanks a lot!

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