Project timespent and charges report

Project timespent and charges report

Report: Database : PGSQL

  1. select pdet.projectid "Project ID", pdet.title "Project Name ", pst.statusname "Status", acdef.org_name "Account Name ", au.first_name "Owner Name", longtodate(pdet.scheduledstarttime) "Scheduled Start Time", longtodate(pdet.scheduledendtime) "Scheduled End Time" , longtodate(pdet.actualstarttime) "Actual Start Time ", longtodate(pdet.actualendtime) "Actual End Time", pest.estimatedhours "Estimated Hours", 
  2. cast((sum(cgt.timespent)/1000 * interval '1 second') as varchar) "Total hours spent based on worklogs",
  3. pest.estimatedcost "Estimated Cost",(sum(cgt.total_charge)) "Project charges based on worklog" from projectdetails pdet left join projectstatus pst on pdet.statusid=pst.statusid left join projectaccmapping pam on pdet.projectid=pam.projectid left join accountdefinition acdef on pam.accountid=acdef.org_id left join sduser su on pdet.ownerid=su.userid left join aaauser au on su.userid=au.user_id left join projectestimations pest on pdet.projectid=pest.projectid left join tasktoprojects tap on pdet.projectid=tap.projectid left join tasktocharge tac on tap.taskid=tac.taskid left join taskdetails tdet on tap.taskid=tdet.taskid left join chargestable cgt on tac.chargeid=cgt.chargeid group by pdet.projectid, pdet.title, pst.statusname, au.first_name, pdet.scheduledstarttime, pdet.scheduledendtime, pdet.actualstarttime, pdet.actualendtime, pest.estimatedhours, acdef.org_name, pest.estimatedcost 
  4. ORDER BY (pdet.projectid)
Krishna Bharat

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