Problems with Solutions

Problems with Solutions

Hi we are trying to create a knowledge repository for both techs and customers and have several problems/questions as follows:

1) Solutions tab in Resolutions in a request does not work properly. I get random recommended solutions that have nothing to do with the tech. For example I have a request that has the word PVQ in the subject. It is also a keyword for a solution. The Category of this ticket is PVQ/Custom Report. The Category of this solution is the same. Instead of getting this solution as a match I get a list of unrelated solutions. Why doesn't this show as a match?

2) Please explain how the suggested solutions work. How are they determined and how can we tweak it to work better for us? 

3) How can I setup workflow to have multiple approvers of a solution. This should have different approvers based on the solutions topic.

4) How to I setup a solutions template that our technicians can use when creating a solution?

5) Images not always copy properly into a solution.? It is very difficult to create an attractive and readable solution without better formatting options.

6) I do not see a Solutions section under Admin. Isn't there any way to configure Solutions to work how we do? 

7) A suggestion for Manage Engine - keep your online documentation updated at all times. Whenever I read through it it is inaccurate and old. If you keep it up to date you will cut down on your support tickets. You are constantly making changes or adding new features with no supporting documentation. How are we to use new or changed features without documentation?

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