Problems with Import Registry Settings

Problems with Import Registry Settings

When I try to deploy RegSettings (HKLM...ODBC..) with "Configuration - Registry Settings"

and specify the location of the regfiles, the result after exection of the Configuration is always the
Error Message:  <<One or more Registry Files could not be imported>>.

System and administrator accounts have full rights to that registry-path.

Before that I tried to import the regfiles with a script using regedit /s \\...
The Script also creates a folder and copies a txt.file to the local Disk.
Creating the Folder and copying the file works, importing the reg-files does not work.

Tried to deploy the script via "Custom Script" and "Launch Application". None of this worked for
the regfiles.

The ODBC-Template does not work for me, cause I would have to specify more than 120 key-
values, import file is greyed out within the template and success is doubtful considering the
experiences described above.

Any Suggestions?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?