Problems on Netflow analyzer displaying " out" direction for Fortigate SFlow
Dear all,
did anyone successfully use Manageengine Netflow Anlayzer 8.5/8.6 to monitor Fortigate via sFlow?
I have version 8.6 running and a Fortigate 200B and 80C, i configured the fortigate with something like below:
config system interface
edit "dmz"
set vdom "root"
set ip
set allowaccess ping https
set type physical
set sample-rate 40
set polling-interval 10
set sflow-sampler enable
set sflow-sample-direction both
config system sflow
set collector-ip
set collector-port 9996
The analyzer is able to receive sFlow pactet from the fortigate but only input direction info can be shown, in addtion, it seems the statistic displayed is not correct. For example, i perfomed a ftp over the interface which have over 100Mbyte and around 8Mbps thoughput. But analyzer can show only a 300k throughput and 5M traffic transferred.
I opened a TAC case in Fortigate and they said there is a header problem in FortiOS 4.0 patch2 and the problem is fixed in patch 3. However, upgrading the Fortgate to patch 3 still have this problem.
Bong So
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