Problem with custom view for requests

Problem with custom view for requests


I'm trying to create a custom request view that shows (among other things) requests that haven't been responded to at all yet (i.e. where RespondedDate is null).  I think this should be a pretty basic filter but unless I'm missing something I can't figure out how to specify a null or empty criteria for RespondedDate.  The datepicker forces me to pick a date and the criteria won't save without  a date populated.

Any workaround?   

As a workaround, I tried setting a filter that looked like RespondedDate < 1/1/2000  (I know that dates are stored in unix format in the DB and an empty responded date is stored as 0)  to try to trick it but that didn't work.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I've hit a wall with this.



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