Problem getting resolution of request using API

Problem getting resolution of request using API

Hi, All

I'm integrating our servicedesk plus with out internal product using API and working in Python.

I successfully got details of a response, uploaded attachment to a request using API but I ain't able to "GET" resolution of a request. Getting following error:
{"operation":{"result":{"message":"Error when validating URL - Invalid URL for the requested operation.","status":"Failed"}}}

I also tried closing the request using API but got 405 (Method not supported) HTTP code. Got same 405 code for one or two more API endpoints. Maybe I'm missing something from the documentation. API Documentation here 

Also adding sample code. 
  1. request_closure_data = {"operation": {"details": {"closeAccepted": "Accepted","closeComment": "closure comments"}}}

  2. parameters = {
  3. "TECHNICIAN_KEY" : "<my key>",
  4. "format" : "json",
  6. "INPUT_DATA" : str(request_closure_data)
  7. }
  8. res = requests.request("PUT",API_URL+"/sdpapi/request/<my_request_id>/close" , params = parameters)
  9. print(res.text)

I'm using Servicedesk plus 9.3 build number 9322. Any help would be appreciated.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?