Pre-existing Godaddy SSL certificate installation...

Pre-existing Godaddy SSL certificate installation...

Dear ME team,
I have one certificate from GoDaddy with is used for multiple hostnames. I need to install this pre-existing certificate from Godaddy which is being used for our other servers like MS Exchange and etc for ServiceDesk+ MSP too. So i send a request to Godaddy to add our host name to the list of trusted host names and now I have got three certificates  with .crt extension for tomcat  with the names  1)gd_bundle.crt 2)gd_intermediate.crt and the third one 3)   mydomain.crt.
 What I want to understand is: as this certificate is already ready and I did not create any sdp.keystore or *.csr file and did not send to GoDaddy will I be able to install this pre-ready certificate for ServiceDesk+ MSP after I e xecute the below provided query using command prompt from "<installation dir.>\jre\bin" location.
1) keytool -import -alias root -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file gd_bundle.crt
2)keytool -import -alias intermediate -keystore <Keystore_Name>.keystore -trustcacerts -file gd_intermediate.crt
3) keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <your_alias_name or [Domain Name]> -file your_domain_name.crt -keystore sdp.keystore
Please give me a KB link or step by step guide where it is explained how to install pre-existing GoDaddy certificate.
      • Topic Participants

      • Araz

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