Pre-deployment Script - check for active User

Pre-deployment Script - check for active User


Many of us have surely have the problem that some Applications can't be updated because they are currently being used by the User. In our case we are mainly talking about the Chrome Browser and Citrix Workspace. Patching during Startup/Logon doesn't work most of the time because DC Agent is too slow to apply that configuration and Citrix starts way earlier and therefore is basically always active.
So, to avoid a User Notification where we have to interrupt the user working with Citrix, I'm thinking about a Script that we can run in the Pre-deployment settings of the Patch Policy. 

Step 1: Custom Script to check if a User is Logged on or the Screen is Locked
Step 1.2: If there is no active User - Kill the Application that is being patched
Step 1.3: If the User is active - Exit 

What does the community think about that idea?

I've tried to find a Script that does that on the Internet but couldn't find anything useful. 

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