PowerShell Rest API V3 OAuth2 and SDP in Cloud

PowerShell Rest API V3 OAuth2 and SDP in Cloud

Dear Community,

we would like to use PowerShell Rest API V3 and SDP in Cloud.
We followed the instructions from this page: https://www.zoho.com/accounts/protocol/oauth/limited-input-devices.html and trying to to create initiation request -https://www.zoho.com/accounts/protocol/oauth/devices/initiation-request.html but unfortunately it doesn't work.

The PS Line is very simple:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v3/device/code?grant_type=device_request&1000.XXXXXXXXXXF14EC7ZK3OND&scope=SDPOnDemand.requests.ALL&access_type=offline&prompt=consent -Method POST

 Client_id has been security-related changed.

Did someone get it to work?
I will be grateful for any help.

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