Possible bug in Windows domain password

Possible bug in Windows domain password

We've been having a lot of issues with our Windows domain scan account being locked. We contacted support and they were able to help, but I think there may be a bug in how the Windows domain account password is saved/stored/retrieved in SDP. We're using SDP 9036. This is how I solved the problem.

I went into Admin > Windows Domain Scan, edited our domain, reset the password, then clicked Save. I tried scanning assets and I would also get a generic error message. After a few scans, the account would always get locked. I have verified, on multiple occasions, that the password I was entering here is the correct password for that domain account.

After talking to support, the tech advised I go to Admin > Active Directory, click Import Requesters from Active Directory. I noticed this window had the Domain, Domain Controller, Login Name, and Password. Next to the password field was the option to reset the password. All of the fields were populated with the same values from the Windows Domain Scan fields. I decided to click Reset Password and entered the correct password for this domain account. After doing that, I was able to successfully perform a scan of our assets.

I think there might be a bug somewhere on how this password gets updated. I don't want to have to change the password for this account in two locations in SDP--it should all be handled in a single place. Maybe I've done something wrong from the beginning--or maybe this is how it's supposed to work. I felt you should know. Thanks.

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