Populating Attributes that have String( Generlized-Time) as syntax

Populating Attributes that have String( Generlized-Time) as syntax


I have a custom made attribute in our AD that is set to be a String(Generlized-Time) syntax. That we have been using for years. And if I look at the attribute on a user. The value looks like this, 20120601000000.0Z This is for a user that are created on the, first of June 2012. (HR are using a simulare tool as AD Manager Plus to add new users to our AD, with this this information to the attribute.)

But when I try to populate this attribute from AD Manager Plus, I get a error that the format is wrong. I have tried different Field types on my Templates like Date picker, single Line. But none of it works. If I use single line and type 20170524 it will fail and not populate the attribute. But if I enter 20170524000000.0Z it will create the account correct and add this value to the attribute.

I don't know what I do to be able to populate this attribute from AD Manager Plus without haveing to enter 00000.0Z every time after a date is added to this Date attribute.


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