please add a "checkbox available" in strategy integrity, for patch that has no gravity mentionned
*hi, could you add another "checkbox available" in Patch managment\strategy integrity please.
This checkbox will be for patch that has" no gravity mentionned."
Some patchs have no gravity when they are available in DC, and, actually only patchs which have got gravity calculated/mentionned could filter in healthy/no healthy system
Actually, without this checkbox, in strategy integrity, i have desktops whitch are into healthy column/filter, altough they have patchs to deploy.... (so they need to go in highly vulnerable (or vulnerable).
i do not go each time into healthy column, considering these desktops/column are up to date for all patchs need, but it is not true.
I consider if a desktop need at less one patch, it had to be into high vulnerable or vulnerable column/filter view
Attachments give examples
Cyril COHU
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