Patch Manager Linux endless problems

Patch Manager Linux endless problems


We've been using PMP for nearly 3 years now and generally it's doing a great job on patching our Windows machines.

Linux however has been an ongoing nightmare since we tried to implement it 2 years ago. We have around 100 Linux machine, mostly CentOS 7 and we've had endless problems, machines not detecting updates, auto-deploy schedules not working and the latest ticket that's been open a month is machines on remote sites not scanning or patching.

We've had tickets open continuously, I have 483 emails in my inbox from PMP support. Tickets are often open for weeks or months. Problems sometimes get resolved with custom agents, but it's never stable for long, another problem comes along. We deploy patches on monthly cycle with manual approval and auto-deploy tasks and I don't think we've had a single month where the Linux patching has just worked.

I feel like I'm a beta tester for this product. I'm curious what other people's experience is of using PMP on Linux? Is anyone using it successfully?

We chose PMP as we wanted one solution for Windows, Linux, Mac & third party apps, but so far it's not delivering on it's promises.

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