Patch for US 2007 DST Changes !!!
Dear Customers,
All java based applications are affected by recent Day light Savings changes in United States. Since Firewall Analyzer is also java based, it has to be patched for this problem. Following are the steps to do the same.
1. We assume your OS is already patched for this problem. If not kindly perform that before going to the next step.
2. Stop the Firewall Analyzer that is running in your environment.
3. Download Timezone updater from and extract the zip in your machine. This needs a simple registration and we are sorry for the inconvenience if any.
4. Copy tzupdater.jar (a file that exists in the downloaded zip) to <Product Home>/lib directory.
5. Save attached in <Firewall Analyzer Home>/bin directory. Extract that zip in the same <Firewall Analyzer Home>/bin directory.
6. Open a command prompt and go to <Product Home>/bin directory.
7. Execute according to your operating system (dstupdater.bat for Windows and for Linux) and look for output.
8. Now start Firewall Analyzer application and look for changes.
If you face any problems, kindly do get back to us.
with regards,
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