Password Expiry Date in the past but still says valid!!

Password Expiry Date in the past but still says valid!!

Hi all,

We have some passwords in our system where there is 1 resource with multiple accounts within it. We add all passwords manually and dont use auto logon or auto change. Passwords entered into PMP have no connection with the actual server/account they are for. Our password policy is that the password when entered should expire in 90 days.

There are some accounts where the password has expired i.e the date of expiry is 23/3/9, but below it, it says valid. This means that the dashboard doesn't work, because the dashboard runs off the 'expired or valid' details and isn't showing passwords that have actually expired!! Is anyone else having this problem or could help with a reason why this isn't working?

We have also recently experienced someone changing their password on the account, and the password has changed successfully, but the expry status still has the previously expired date and 'expired' and the auto 90 days from password change isnt working. Again, this isnt for all passwords and only for some so cant work out why this is happening either.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you

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