OS Deployer Agent Hangs

OS Deployer Agent Hangs

Currently I'm using OS Deployer Console from Windows 7. I have captured an image of the disk using the PXE Master Image Creator and saved it to my local C: drive. I then PXE boot another computer to load the Deplyer Agent and it successfully connects to the Management Console. I create a template with all my settings and tell it to proceed. It shows the deployment in the console window, shows the current progress at 1% and total progress at 7%. However it doesn't seem to get past this stage. It's been about an hour and the logs show no errors. Just " Join Client at 9:48 AM". So it looks like it's just hanging during this process which is obviously the most crucial. I'm using a trial license for everything so I can verify this program works before purchasing. My company plans to buy around 30 workstation licenses if I can get this to work. Any help is appreciated. 

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