OpManager upgrade query

OpManager upgrade query

Good day

We are wanting to test out OpMan v12 in a standalone environment (separate to our current, licenced OpMan installation) - so basically, we want the current Central server and probes to run individually to the new OpMan v12 setup.

This is for numerous reasons:

1. We possible want to do a clean OpMan install as opposed to an in-place upgrade, then just migrate the monitoring configuration over in batches.
2. Tied to the above reason, we want to approach network device and netflow monitoring differently - when adding network devices in bulk, not all the interfaces/device info pulls through. We want to do this on an individual basis, adding each device one by one. Our network engineer would prefer to do this on a clean probe as opposed to the existing one.
3. Build the new OpMan v12 probes piece by piece, planning properly beforehand. Having the other probes in place alleviates the pressure of having the probes up asap.

My question is: Would we be able to do this and still be properly licensed? I.e. Have two central servers with their respective probes.

If not, would you be able to offer an alternative? Like can we upgrade the Central server to Opman v12 and build new probes and link them to there, AND keep our OpMan v11 probes running and licenced.

Thanks in advance, we really appreciate your assistance in this matter.


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