OPManager Server failed to start on Linux
Hi all,
after i've sucessfully setup a new machine with Debian, i have also installed the Linux-version of opManager.
After the sucessful installation i try to start the server using the shellscript (StartOpManagerServer.sh)
After starting the services, the following error message occurs:
Verifying connection with webserver ...
Failed to establish connection with webserver. Gracefully shutting down OpManager.
Trying to shutdown OpManager
After that, all services are stopped
Could someone tell me what's wrong ?
There is no other webserver running on that machine.
thanks magnum.
Edit: I've tried this solution: http://forums.manageengine.com/forumHome.do?forumGroupId=49000000002007&forumTopicId=49000002634331
It doesn't work... :cry:
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