OpManager reopening closed SD+ tickets

OpManager reopening closed SD+ tickets

Why does OpManager reopen old and closed SD+ tickets when an alarm triggers a "Log at Ticket" notification profile?
A month ago a disk freespace alarm was triggered and a new ticket/request was generated in SD+. This issue was then resolved and the request was auto-closed.
Then today the same treshold is broken and what happens. OpManager reopens the old request and changes (not appends) the original ticket description. This ticket then, as it's a month old goes directly into breach of both First Respons and SLA rules in SD+
As I see it, in the above example: OpManager should generate a new ticket, not reopen closed requests. As it is today, it's generating unneeded problems and the dilemma between:
  1. Manually correcting SLA breach reports in SD+
  2. Congfiguring OpManager to use Email notification profiles instead of Log a Ticket notifications profiles.
  3. Delete SD+ issues after they are Resolved and Closed to prevent OpManger from reopenign them.
What is the justification/reason for this design in the integration between OpManger and SD+?

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