OpManager integrate SDP with ssl

OpManager integrate SDP with ssl

We are can't integrate SDP with ssl to opmanager. We are using sdp.keystore from SDP and edit file ssl_servicedesk.bat to provid correct keystore. OpManager.truststore was create but SDP didn't integrated. What wrong?

Our ssl_servicedesk.bat look like:
@echo on

set NMS_HOME=%1

if not exist D:\OpManager\conf\sdp.keystore goto keyStoreMessage

if exist sdp_cert.txt del sdp_cert.txt

D:\OpManager\jre\bin\keytool -export -v -rfc -alias sdp_alias -file sdp_cert.txt -keystore D:\OpManager\conf\sdp.keystore -keypass xxx -storepass xxx

D:\OpManager\jre\bin\keytool -import -alias SDPSSL -keystore D:\OpManager\conf\OpManager.truststore -file sdp_cert.txt -storepass opmanager -noprompt

goto end

echo Please Copy and Paste the file "sdp.keystore" from ServiceDesk Plus(Home/Server/default/conf) directory to OpManager Home/conf direcrtory


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