OpManager - How can I disable trouble alarms for HP printers

OpManager - How can I disable trouble alarms for HP printers


I am seeing a large number of trouble alarms / alerts on HP printers for some simple tasks like "Loading Tray XX with Paper" and I can't figure out where or how to set them as disabled.. 

There are no Service Monitors, URL Monitors, Performance Monitors (That control this feature), or Script Monitors. There are no notification profiles set, IT Automation, or Applications. I don't see anywhere in the interfaces section to enable Trouble Alerts. 

One of the printers in question:

I don't mind receiving this information, but in this case - we must manually clear the alarm in order to suppress it, which is quite annoying as this is a task which the users are able to perform. 

I believe this is only occurring with our HP printers - but I can't seem to identify where in the system, I can go to disable this feature, or change the threshold.

Looking for help!


                New to ADSelfService Plus?