OpManager Enterprise Probe Communication with central Down

OpManager Enterprise Probe Communication with central Down


We have the OpManager Enterprise Build 11600 , and we have installed in our customers  two probes and one in our office .

All the probes showing the follow problem :

Simply loses communication for no apparent reason . No problems on our network or internet service. And the worst is that every time this happens , I always have to restart the probe service on windows to recommunicate. I have not found here in the forum something about it. The photo I sent up , is a server that is in our network and yet when communication is lost , I have to restart the probe service to recommunicate.

Could help solve this problem ?




Rogerio Paliosa Correa

Monitoring Analyst

Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 1550 - 29º andar

CEP:04583-010 -  Vila Cordeiro  - São Paulo

 55 11 2222-1145


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