Our Data Center Floor Size is 21 x 40
1. On the orientation of the floor builder, it shows letters on the short-side for me (our 21 ft width). It shows numbers on the length, which matches how we have our room labled physically on our data center walls.
Problem Issue: When we look at the finished floor, it reverses this layout, which is a problem since we record our asset information by the quadrant it resides in ( J-10; etc). So I need the finished view to match the same scheme that the build view displays.
2. I've built and added our first rack, but it appears to be floating in the sky outside of the floor range. Is our floor size too big? Do you have suggestions?
3. We have some 3U serves, but you only offer 1U, 2U, 4U and 8U. Since these are tied to devices, I can't add a 1U and 2U together, as one might with Visio studio. Can you offer 3U choice as well?
Thank you