OpMan 12 new interface is slow and unintuitive

OpMan 12 new interface is slow and unintuitive

I just want to voice my opinion on OpManager 12. The new web UI needs some major optimization. It's generally slow and unresponsive in any browser, and bulk actions are difficult to find.
Just a few examples: 
  • The interface does not remember my view settings. For example, it reverts to default inventory view when I open a device and then go back. Or if I click on something in the device page and click Back, it returns me to the inventory page instead of the device page. 
  • The width of the viewing area resets when I resize my browser window. Also, it always opens the "Overview" dashboard even if I change the default dashboard view.
  • A performance example is when discovering interfaces on a switch stack (100+ interfaces) takes a very long time and locks up the browser until it's finished. Sometimes it just reloads the page completely and brings me back to the dashboard.
  • Bulk actions should be available in the main inventory view. For example, to select multiple devices and add to a category, or assign a template. Or simply rename or edit device details without opening the device page. Currently, some bulk actions can only be done with the Quick Config Wizard, but that view only shows me IP addresses and no details or sorting. It just makes more sense to do it all from the inventory view. (And there is no way to assign bulk categories).
  • I would like an option to hide/remove unlicensed add-ons. For example I don't have IPAM or NetFlow or Switch Port Mapper. Why must they take up space in the dashboard, and show up in every device menu, report, and settings?
  • On top of that, new device templates take years to appear. We are still waiting on Windows Server 2016, or Cisco 3850 switch (which was released in 2013). What happened to the community template repository so we can share templates?
    Thank you for your time

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