Op Manager 11500 32 bit - Clicking on object link forwards to page and returns to Opmanager Home
Over the past two days we have been fighting our OpManager system. Whenever we click on a link to a managed object from the home OpManager Overview screen, we get forwarded to the object snapshot page but then right away get forwarded back to the OpManager Overview page or to a page with the link:
http://{our host:8060}/reports/vmReports.do?operation=showvmconfiginfo&vmId=&type=vmDataStores&cacheid=1469725772715.
http://{our host:8060}/overview.do?selectedTab=Home&fromLogin=true
The system seems to be collecting data but we are not able to look at our nodes because of this issue. We have not made any changes to our OpManager nor to the ManageEngine system we use as well. This all started around tuesday morning after a routine reboot of the server.
I have tried different browsers (IE, FireFox and Safari) and all have the same issues.
Looking for ideas.
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