Once a Change Role name is customized it cannot be changed back to default in Reports and Column Chooser

Once a Change Role name is customized it cannot be changed back to default in Reports and Column Chooser

Apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere.  Scanned known issues and forums briefly...

(Reported with respect to ServiceDesk Plus 9003)


Where once a Change Role is given a custom label and then the custom label is reverted to the original in the Admin configuration, the Reports and Column Chooser modules still call it by the former custom label instead of the default label it has been returned to (while the ‘Change Roles’ field in the Change Records actually represents the default label again).

Further: in the ServiceDesk database, the ChangeRoles.dbo table contains a column for both the default ManageEngine label (NAME.ChangeRoles.dbo) and the name that will actually display for the Change Role (DISPLAYNAME.ChangeRoles.dbo).  

When a built-in Change Role name is edited, the DISPLAYNAME value changes.  The new DISPLAYNAME value is what then displays in Reports and Change list views (i.e. the Column Chooser options) for that Change Role.  If you edit a customized built-in Change Role name back to default, it shows properly in Change Records as the default name for the Change Role, but not in Reports and Column Chooser.  The DISPLAYNAME in the database is correct, but the temporary custom name must be cached somewhere else. 

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