Will OLA be possible in SDP-MSP in the future?
Today we are working on OLA's in a very difficult and low practical way, using Excel documents.
We are looking to maybe use SDP-MSP in the future and are testing as I write this.
Today our OLA's look like this:
General page:
  • Account
  • Servicename
  • Latest revision date, who did revision, reason for revision.
Service Details
  • Service Description
  • Number os users/number of locations
  • Business Owner  (on account side)
  • Technical Owner (on account side)
  • Vendor Details (general info)
  • Vendor technical details (Named person at vendor)
  • Issue Management
    • Errors on development and test servers are handled in:
      • 8:00 - 16:00
    • Errors on production servers are handled in
      • 8:00 - 16:00
    • Additional Fields
Service Availability
  • High (99,5%)
  • medium (99%)
  • low (98%)
  • No SLA
  • This service is category: High
  • Additional Fields
Service Windows
  • Check box: Accepted by Business owner
  • additional fields
  • What is to be monitored be Service Provider
  • Additional fields
Risk Assesment:
  • What risks do influence service continuity
Change and release management:
  • check box: Vendor is accepting change and release management for this account.
Server list
  • A list of servers used in this service with Patch windows assigned to the specific server.
  • Is there exceptions to default antivirus policy or is default accepted
  • additional fields
  • Is there exceptions to default backup policy or is default accepted
  • additional fields
We have a lot more fields in our OLA's but the above are to give an idea of what we are strugling with in our Excel documents.
The really great thing would be that we can add fields, dropdown menus and check boxes as we need to and in the end if an account wants to see his OLA document for a specific service we can just create the OLA on the fly.
A OLA can be in these states:
Pending review

We have a review cycle of 6 month but can be costum based on agreement with costumer.
Thank you



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