O365 Manager Plus released with Automation feature!

O365 Manager Plus released with Automation feature!

Hello Everybody!
We are glad to announce the release of the automation feature in O365 Manager Plus. This build comes with the following features.

Office 365 Automation: Automate user account onboarding, stale accounts clean up, license management, and other essential user and mailbox management tasks. Also,

  • Create automation policies: These event-driven policies once triggered carry out a chain of tasks automatically at specified intervals.
  • View automation audit reports: Keep track of the automation policy execution history along with the automation policies created, modified, delegated, and deleted.
  • Choose data source: The source of data for the automated tasks can be CSV files, shared locations, or O365 Manager Plus reports.


  • Customize tabs: Administrators and technicians can arrange the reporting, auditing, monitoring, management, and other feature tabs of O365 Manager Plus according to their convenience.
  • Office 365 license modification: When the technicians choose a new set of Office 365 services that are allowed by an Office 365 license, they can opt whether the new services should replace or append to the already existing list of Office 365 services.

Bug fixes:

The following issues have been fixed,

  • Data mismatch issue in the Last sent time, Last received time, and Last activity time fields in DL by Last Mail Activity, Inactive DL by Last Sent mail, Inactive DL by Last Mail Received, and Last Mail Received by Mail Enabled Groups reports.
  • Issue faced while configuring audit schedules.
  • Issue in fetching previous day's data for scheduled reports.
How to Update?
Update  using service pack.
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O365 Manager Plus Team
Direct: +1: 408: 916: 9890

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