Notify support reps on unassigned request update

Notify support reps on unassigned request update

Is it possible in v11 to notify all support reps (or certain support reps) when an unassigned request is updated?  Here's a cut and paste of my ask for this feature (feature id 13090) from 6 years ago...  Please don't tell me to use groups...  It's not what we are looking for.

--Begin cut & paste from 6 years ago in this very forum--

I've asked for this feature request more than once, but here we go again...

Please, please, please, add an option to notify support reps if an unassigned support request has been updated or changed in any way, shape or manner.  So if the contact updates the ticket, tell us.  If the contact adds a note to the ticket, tells us.  If a support rep replies to the ticket (but did not pick up the ticket), tells us.  If a support rep goes into the unassigned email and edits the ticket (i.e. changes it to onsite, or fixes the description) - tell us...

How stinking hard can it be to add this option?

--End cut & paste from 6 years ago in this very forum--

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