No data available, Files Copied from File Servers (Shared Folders)

No data available, Files Copied from File Servers (Shared Folders)

Dear Support
we are exploring the DataSecurity Plus trial in a lab environment
We have installed DSP Agent in the file server with some shared folders, but the files copied report is showing that no data is available, need your expert guidance for displaying the files copied from fileserver which are mapped on the network drive.

Product Name

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus

Product Version


Build Number


File Audit health status

Server troubleshoot details : ASDHCP




Server enabled

No problem

Server is enabled.

Last event details

No problem

No problems in event collection. Last event received at Jan 25,2022 09:55:21 AM.

Event temp processing

No problem

Event processing contains 0 unprocessed files. No problems in event processing.

Share details

No problem

Server contains the following: Shares - 9, subShares - 0, local-folders - 0, local-files - 0. Total configured shares - 9 and Total available shares - 9

Audit Profile

No problem

1 profiles enabled.

Audit data table

No problem

Audit database could not be found.

Audit metadata table

No problem

No metatable present for this server.

Audit archived table

No problem

No archived table(s) present for this server.

Audit temp processing

No problem

No issues in audit data processing. Audit temp contains 0 files.

Archived settings

No problem

Archiving is enabled. Data generated before 180 days is archived.

Alert profile

No problem

6 profiles enabled.

Alert data table

No problem

Alert database is could not be found.

Alert metadata table

No problem

No metatable present for this server.

Alert temp processing

No problem

No issues in event data processing. Alert temp contain(s) 0 files.

Alert retention settings

No problem

Retention policy is enabled and set for 90 days.

Agent troubleshoot details : ASDHCP




Agent running status

No problem

Agent is running.

Build version

No problem

Latest version is installed

Driver running status

No problem

Driver is running


No problem

RPC connection is available.


No problem

HTTP communication is available.

Event in messenger queue

No problem

0 data packets are in queue.

Event in processing queue

No problem

No issues in raw event dump processing. Dump contains 0 file(s).

Last event from driver

No problem

File access events received from driver. Last event received at Jan 25,2022 09:57:34 AM

Last sync details

No problem

Profiles synced at Jan 25,2022 09:46:57 AM



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