"NMSMServer" and "mstransportProvider.conf" file

"NMSMServer" and "mstransportProvider.conf" file

Hi admin,

When I walkthrough in OpManager install folder, i see that it have the class NMSMServer  in NMSServerClasses.jar. In the code, it said that i need to have "mstransportProvider.conf" file to able to run but i can not find that filename in anywhere, maybe it's not default config for OpManager normal version (need to do something to add that file) or it is a function only have in OpManager Plus or Enterprise version.

Can you please help me how to use the function in OpManager app that relate to NMSServer class or any function that uses the config file name "mstransportProvider.conf", in the code flow, it maybe relate to the function XML Processor or PDU (i dont know what PDU stands for).

I have wallk around on the internet i can't have the answer about that file config name.

Many thanks.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?