Next Release : Zoho Analytics (previously, Zoho Reports) Integration Enhancements

Next Release : Zoho Analytics (previously, Zoho Reports) Integration Enhancements

Dear Customers,

The next release for ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand - "Zoho Analytics (previously, Zoho Reports) Integration Enhancements".

With new enhancements in Zoho Analytics integration, you can now generate reports under these new modules: 
  • Changes

  • Projects

  • Solutions

  • Request Assessment

  • Archived Requests


User Defined Fields in Zoho Analytics

Additional fields in ServiceDesk Plus cloud can now be included as user defined fields in Zoho Analytics.


New Columns 

New columns have been added to existing reports under various modules. Some of the key columns are as follows:


Request (Module)

  1. Response Due By Time

  2. FCR Marked

  3. Created By - Email

  4. ReOpen Count

  5. OnHold Count


Tasks (Module) 

  1. Created By - Email

  2. Owner Email


Worklog (Module)

  1. Created By - Email

Upload Archived Request Data

You can now include archived request data as part of the data upload from ServiceDesk Plus cloud to Zoho Analytics. Choose when to start and stop the data upload. You can also clear the uploaded archived data or choose to resync it.  

Admin Data Take Over

SDAdmins can now take control of the database of a technician who has left the organization. Earlier the database will get locked up if a technician were to leave the organization. 

We shall keep you posted on the release through What's New.

Please write to us your feedback and queries.

Thanks & Regards,
Saravana Balaji .S
ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand

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