Next Release : User Delegation

Next Release : User Delegation

Dear Users,

We are preparing for the next release on User Delegation and below are details :

User Delegation

Configure backup users to handle requests and approvals of users during their planned leave. Using this feature, you can reassign service and incident requests and configure backup approvers for service, incident, and change requests and purchase orders. 


Under Setup >> Automation >> Delegation, enable the feature and configure the global settings. Users who mark leave after you enable the feature will be listed under Home >> Delegation. Here, you can delegate each user's task (request or approval) to another user or a user-level organization role and specify the stand-in period as well. Note that the global settings will be applied unless you configure the user-specific delegation.



Sample Configurations


Global Settings



User-specific Configuration


We shall keep you posted on the release.

Please write to us your feedback and queries.

Thanks & Regards,
Saravana Balaji
ServiceDesk Plus Cloud

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